by Latanya M. Hughes.
As believer’s, our prayer life gives us access to the divine throne room of God. With this access, we have the privilege of receiving God’s innermost secrets. As we boldly enter into His presence, our prayers move heaven to respond to our needs. God reveals His expectations and promises; therefore, nothing is hidden from us. In fact, Jeremiah 33:3 clearly states that we should, “Call on God, and He will answer and tell us great and unsearchable things, that we do not know.” This call is an invitation from God for us to take Him at His word. Will you accept God’s invitation? If so, He will disclose some amazing secrets to you. His divine wisdom will empower you with spiritual insight. With this information you will be able to accomplish God’s divine purpose for your life.
Furthermore, if you knew that God would respond to your prayers, would you pray? God does answer prayers and no situation will keep Him from responding. Prayer is the key to unlock the doors of heaven. Every unknown question can be found when you set aside time to talk to God. Whenever there is an intimacy with God, He will release confidential information. Prayer is a time of communion and learning what God desires from us. Whatever you are going through, God can speak to it and change it. God is the creator of all things and we can do nothing without Him. When we put God first, He will not only listen, He will do the unthinkable.