Becoming contemplative during the Holiday Season.


Mr. Miles Larson

By Miles Larson

As advent is fast approaching, I was reminded how much more contemplative I become during this time of year.  The changing weather forces me to retreat into my own mind and thoughts.  Lately, the concept of calling has been frequently on my mind, and I remember when I was considering seminaries not so long ago.  It can seem expensive, daunting and if you’ve been out of school for any period of time may seem unreasonable.

I find these reasons often cause would be seminarians to put off what they seem relatively certain the Lord is calling them into.  I’m not here to tell you that seminary is right for you nor that this is God’s timing, but I do want to encourage you to consider again the call that once pushed you to inquire at Ashland Theological Seminary and consider how we might partner with you in what God is already doing in your life and ministry.  Whether you’ve been considering seminary for 6 weeks or 6 years, we want to invite ourselves into that conversation with you and help discern, and position you for the greatest Kingdom impact.

I want to encourage you to perhaps revisit that discussion with the Lord over these coming weeks.  If the Spirit moves, and prompts you, please know that there is still time to enroll for this spring, and certainly time to enroll for the summer or fall.  There are some dates for you to be aware of in December, including some closure dates (Dec. 21 – Jan. 3), so you’ll want to move quickly if the spring is your target time.

Feel free to call our Applications Coordinator, Renee Johnson (419).289.5704 or myself Miles Larson, (419)207.6977 to see what pieces are still outstanding or to discuss questions that may be holding you back.

In closing I’ll simply leave you with this quote from John Ortberg, (pastor, speaker and author) who says, “Biblically, waiting is not just something we have to do until we get what we want. Waiting is part of the process of becoming what God wants us to be.”  I waited over seven years from when I first felt called, and even went to get a master’s degree in another field,  so I wouldn’t have to go to seminary.  That period of waiting was quite formative in my own walk, and ended with the clearest voice I’ve heard from the Lord.  I pray, you gain clarity this season as well. Be blessed and a blessing,

Miles Larson is Senior Admissions Counselor and Coordinator of Student Life at Ashland Theological Seminary.  He can be reached at 419-207-6977 or via email at


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